Print shipping label & packing list [HowTo extend with functions]
in progress
Dietmar Hohn
To use the program, it's necessary to do 3 important things to and with them it's not necessary anymore to login to backend.
- printing labels
- printing packing list for delivery, invoice
- print picking list with warehouse racks
To do this we have activated plugins in WooCommerce and now the question is - How to connect/integrate this functionality into StorePilot. Except from this StorePilot is just nice, but no alternative to speed up the work.
Steffan Halvorsen
in progress
Printing labels would need a third-party service, so we have started collecting alternatives for this.
Steffan Halvorsen
Steffan Halvorsen
under review
Steffan Halvorsen
Great idea! I think this would be very useful, so we will see what we can do :) I come back to you when we have an update on this.